tax with no Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Traduções para tax with no dicionário inglês»italiano

1. with (in descriptions):

6. with (accompanied by, in the presence of):

10. with (because of):

tassa f (on su)

tax with no Dicionário PONS

Traduções para tax with no dicionário inglês»italiano

Exemplos unilingues (não verificados pela redação)

He was critical of proposals to replace the progressive income tax with a flat tax.
Tuition fees would be replaced by a gentle graduate tax with incentives for the poorest students.
The largest income tax breaks will go to higher-income earners as it replaced a three-tier progressive income tax with a flat tax.
It also presented bills to replace the council tax with an income-based alternative, for the abolition of prescription charges, and the introduction of free school meals.
Probably the single easiest way to encourage consumers to switch is a carbon tax with all revenue going as subsidies to electric vehicles.
The plan would also replace the corporate income tax with a border-adjusted business consumption tax of 8.5%.
In 1749, it was replaced by the vingtime ("twentieth", i.e. a tax with a rate of 5%).
No better opportunity to push for a radical replacement of council tax with a local income tax.
However, this came at a cost to the human rights of those who couldn't pay the tax with imprisonment, flogging and other corporal punishment recorded.
They can result in heavy fines and back tax with high rates of interest.

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