senior officer no Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Traduções para senior officer no dicionário inglês»italiano

Traduções para senior officer no dicionário inglês»italiano

I.officer [Brit ˈɒfɪsə, americ ˈɔfəsər, ˈɑfəsər] SUBST

II.officer [Brit ˈɒfɪsə, americ ˈɔfəsər, ˈɑfəsər] VERBO trans MILITAR

I.senior [Brit ˈsiːnɪə, ˈsiːnjə, americ ˈsinjər] ADJ

II.senior [Brit ˈsiːnɪə, ˈsiːnjə, americ ˈsinjər] SUBST

senior officer no Dicionário PONS

Traduções para senior officer no dicionário inglês»italiano

Exemplos unilingues (não verificados pela redação)

Officers in women's prisons sometimes also used the title of matron; sometimes the matron was a senior officer who supervised the other wardresses.
Senior officer awards tended to be more for outstanding leadership in combat than for individual acts of bravery.
We were having a brief chat when a senior officer came downstairs to get into his car.
It is the highest uniformed rank, above senior officer and below the grades of governor.
It is often designated by the senior officer on the base.
He is court-martialled for attacking a senior officer.
On arrival, a chaotic scene greeted the senior officer, a serious fire in progress and numerous persons needing rescue.
A lieutenant-colonel is the second-highest rank of senior officer.
Despite being a senior officer and already tasked with important business he never stopped flying.
Non-naval officers usually fly their flags from their headquarters, vessels, or vehicles, typically only for the most senior officer present.

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