allergies no Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Traduções para allergies no dicionário inglês»italiano (Salte para italiano»inglês)

Traduções para allergies no dicionário italiano»inglês (Salte para inglês»italiano)

allergies no Dicionário PONS

Traduções para allergies no dicionário inglês»italiano (Salte para italiano»inglês)

Traduções para allergies no dicionário italiano»inglês (Salte para inglês»italiano)

Exemplos unilingues (não verificados pela redação)

If this is the case, there is no conflict between the goals of preventing infection and minimising allergies.
There is no cure for food allergies but some studies have shown success in exposing children to minute doses of the food can desensitise them.
The doctor might treat allergies with an antihisamine, the sinus infection with antibiotics, the cold with zinc, and give her patient a Kleenex tissue after the funeral.
Allergies to drugs such as cyclosporine, teniposide and drugs containing polyoxyethylated castor oil may indicate increased risk of adverse reactions to paclitaxel.
Extremely small doses of allergens are injected under the skin together with an enzyme that occurs naturally in the human body to gradually desensitise a patient against his allergies.
Skin testing is available to confirm penicillin allergies, but is not available for other medications.
Meeting with your child's allergist can help her to better understand her food allergies and put the risk of anaphylaxis into perspective.
This can be very dangerous and even deadly, especially if the individual has food allergies, or even is diabetic.
Intestinal or bowel hyperpermeability, so called leaky gut, has been linked to food allergies and some food intolerances.
The reaction, as with other chemical allergies, can be anywhere from a slight headache to anaphylactic shock, which can result in death.

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