fixed-rate no Dicionário de Espanhol-Inglês da Oxford

inglês britânico

Exemplos unilingues (não verificados pela redação)

Perpetual subordinated debt is not straight debt, rather it is close to, or in some cases identical to, preferred shares, paying a fixed-rate coupon similar to preferred shares' fixed-rate dividend.
A renter might be affected by price trends in the real estate market, but someone with a long-term fixed-rate mortgage wouldn't be.
But will you take out a fixed-rate mortgage or an adjustable-rate mortgage?
The dealer will split up the underlying fixed-rate asset at a specified ratio (e.g. 20/80) and assign each portion to inverse and floater.
The first is by placing an existing or newly underwritten fixed-rate security into a trust and issuing both a floating rate note and an inverse floating rate note.
The web-based, paperless mortgage application and processing system allows low and moderate income borrowers to obtain fair, fixed-rate 30 year mortgages in a streamlined process.
In general, borrowers with adjustable-rate mortgages prepay at a higher rate than borrowers with fixed-rate mortgages.
It offers affordably priced fixed-rate mortgages through several mortgage programs for eligible homebuyers.

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