earliest no Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Traduções para earliest no dicionário inglês»italiano (Salte para italiano»inglês)

2. early (sooner than usual):

at your earliest convenience formal

3. early (in period of time):

at the earliest
the earliest I can manage is Monday
the earliest days of the cinema

1. early (in period of time):

early warning system [ˌɜːlɪˈwɔːnɪŋˌsɪstəm] SUBST MILITAR

I.Early English [Brit əːli ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ, americ ˌərli ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] ADJ ARQUIT

II.Early English [Brit əːli ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ, americ ˌərli ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] SUBST ARQUIT

Traduções para earliest no dicionário italiano»inglês (Salte para inglês»italiano)

earliest no Dicionário PONS

Traduções para earliest no dicionário inglês»italiano (Salte para italiano»inglês)

1. early (ahead of time, near the beginning):

Mais traduções e expressões típicas para o termo que pesquisou.

Traduções para earliest no dicionário italiano»inglês (Salte para inglês»italiano)

Mais traduções e expressões típicas para o termo que pesquisou.

earliest Exemplos do Dicionário PONS (verificados pela redação)

Exemplos unilingues (não verificados pela redação)

The earliest reference to a flat-faced bat (i.e., with a flat surface at the bottom of the stick in ice hockey style) also occurs in 1622.
It also had labyrinthodont teeth, characterized by infolded enamel, which characterizes all of the earliest known tetrapods as well.
The earliest recorders were designed to be played either right-handed (with the right hand lowermost) or left-handed (with the left hand lowermost).
The pollsters procured approximately 14,000 randomised responses and were aiming for a 1.5% margin of error in their earliest predictions.
The premiere episode looks at the evolution of the handgun, going back to its earliest days on 16th century battlefields.
It is one of the earliest buttercups to flower.
The earliest parish register is from 1591.
It is the earliest known 35mm SLR camera ever to be built, but fewer than 200 examples were made.
He is one of the earliest composers on whom significant biographical information is available.
The earliest texts to have been preserved are largely monumental inscriptions documenting rulership, succession, and ascension, conquest and calendrical and astronomical events.

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