bed in no Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Traduções para bed in no dicionário inglês»italiano (Salte para italiano»inglês)

Traduções para bed in no dicionário italiano»inglês (Salte para inglês»italiano)

Traduções para bed in no dicionário inglês»italiano

1. bed (place to sleep):

II.bed <forma in -ing bedding, pass, Part perf bedded> [Brit bɛd, americ bɛd] VERBO trans

1. in (expressing location or position): [Brit ɪn, americ ɪn] ADJ (fashionable)

BEd [Brit biːˈɛd, americ biˈɛd] SUBST

1. short (not long-lasting):

II.short [Brit ʃɔːt, americ ʃɔrt] ADV (abruptly)

II.triplicate [Brit ˈtrɪplɪkət, americ ˈtrɪpləkət] VERBO trans [Brit ˈtrɪplɪkeɪt, americ ˈtrɪpləˌkeɪt]

Veja também: also in the meanwhile

also in the meanwhile">

bed in no Dicionário PONS

Traduções para bed in no dicionário inglês»italiano

8. in (in situation, state of):

Exemplos unilingues (não verificados pela redação)

They dreg the water bed in pursuit of gold and in the process turn drinking water muddy which invariably deny our small towns of water.
This is an extreme example, but there isn't even a master bedroom, the parents make up a sofa bed in the living room.
One room is a kitchen/living room, while the other serves as a bedroom (with access to a second bed in the loft above it).
The boys situate themselves for bed in a conveniently placed three-tiered bunk bed.
In retaliation, he saws her bed in half so that it would come apart when she sits on it.
The work is installed in a large flower bed in which pumpkin plants are grown each year.
When he leaves to find a doctor, she rises from the bed in zombie fashion and starts to stalk out before regaining her composure.
Trying to put the latest ructions to bed in a speech could make matters worse.
Another couple had been sleeping on a pull-out sofa bed in the front room.
You'll also notice there is no bed in the room, just a low table set with a tea service.

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