Antarctic Ocean no Dicionário de Francês-Inglês da Oxford-Hachette

Antarctic Ocean no Dicionário PONS

inglês americano

Exemplos unilingues (não verificados pela redação)

In the waters of the Antarctic Ocean, they endure a severe storm.
The rocky outcrop receives air which has travelled 16,000 kilometres across the freezing Antarctic Ocean before hitting landfall.
Researchers used a recently developed technique called the carbonate clumped isotope paleothermometer to analyse the chemical composition of fossil shells in the Antarctic Ocean.
It was originally used by a cartel of whaling companies in the Antarctic Ocean in the 1930s.
Marine biologists from across the world have produced an atlas of sea life in the Antarctic Ocean from microbes to whales, finding thousands of new species in the process.
It can also illustrate why in the southernmost places -- where vast ice shelves float in the Antarctic Ocean -- icebergs form in larger, more horizontal plank shapes.
In some areas of the Antarctic Ocean, sea ice is absent three months longer than it was a few decades ago.
The name is derived from its habitat in the Antarctic Ocean.
Icebergs in the Antarctic Ocean are shrinking due to global warming.
We urge the international community to take notice and designate additional, permanent protections in other areas of the Antarctic Ocean and around the world.

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