off-street parking no Dicionário de Espanhol-Inglês da Oxford

Traduções para off-street parking no dicionário inglês»Espanhol

the Street americ coloq
street people americ [americ ɔf, ɑf, Brit ɒf] ADV off often appears as the second element of certain verb structures in English (break off, pay off, take off, etc). For translations, see the relevant verb entry (break, pay, take, etc).

1.1. off (removed):

off! Brit DESP

6. off → offside

Veja também: well-off, on, offside, go off, bring on, better-off, badly off

well-off <pred well off> [wɛl ɔf, wɛlˈɒf] ADJ

I.on [americ ɑn, ɔn, Brit ɒn] PREP on often appears as the second element of certain verb structures in English (count on, lay on, sign on, etc). For translations, see the relevant verb entry (count, lay, sign, etc).

I.offside [americ ˌɔfˈsaɪd, Brit ɒfˈsʌɪd] SUBST

II.offside [americ ˌɔfˈsaɪd, Brit ɒfˈsʌɪd] ADJ

III.offside [americ ˌɔfˈsaɪd, Brit ɒfˈsʌɪd] ADV DESP

II.go off VERBO [americ ɡoʊ -, Brit ɡəʊ -] (v + prep + o)

I.bring on VERBO [americ brɪŋ -, Brit brɪŋ -] (v + o + adv, v + adv + o)

II.bring on VERBO [americ brɪŋ -, Brit brɪŋ -] (v + o + prep + o) (cause to befall)

better-off <pred better off> [americ ˌbɛdərˈɔf, ˌbɛdərˈɑf, Brit ˌbɛtərˈɒf] ADJ

badly off <comp worse off, superl worst off, pred> ADJ

parking [americ ˈpɑrkɪŋ, Brit ˈpɑːkɪŋ] SUBST U

1. parking (act):

estacionamiento m esp lat-amer

off-street parking no Dicionário PONS

Traduções para off-street parking no dicionário inglês»Espanhol [ɒf, americ ɑ:f] SUBST sem pl Brit

inglês americano

Exemplos unilingues (não verificados pela redação)

It has 8 off-street parking spaces.
Restaurants are required to provide eight off-street parking spaces per every 1,000 square feet.
Not all properties have off-street parking and rely on space available on the street.
The station has off-street parking.
The station has off-street parking and an accessible platform.
There is off-street parking for guests.
City zoning regulations require far fewer off-street parking spaces for retail businesses than for restaurants.
Some cities have utilized angled parking on-street (as compared to off-street parking facilities).
The station has off-street parking available.
The building will consist of four stories of apartments, a multipurpose first-floor space provided for artistic use by the residents, and thirty-five off-street parking spaces.

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