rootless no Dicionário de Francês-Inglês da Oxford-Hachette

Traduções para rootless no dicionário inglês»francês (Salte para francês»inglês)

Traduções para rootless no dicionário francês»inglês (Salte para inglês»francês)

rootless no Dicionário PONS

inglês americano

Exemplos unilingues (não verificados pela redação)

The reason for the update in setting was that it allowed for depictions of socially mobile characters, rootless or transient.
Jazz chord voicings are usually rootless and emphasize the 3rd and 7th notes of the chord.
This is because the lava flow is rootless meaning that it begins outside of the tuff ring directly around the vent.
He remained rootless, however, wandering from place to place, and still drinking heavily.
Rootless cones can also be formed in lava when it flows over wet sediments.
The only child of cold, wealthy parents, she grew up emotionally rootless, leading to lifelong depression and bouts of mental illness.
She was rootless, tired and ready for a break.
Without their materialism and instinctive worship of power, almost the entire cast would be completely rootless.
The focus of the film is guided by its underlying intent, that is, to show the rootless, ghostly nature of the characters.
Individuals who do not experience this same smooth transition into the new culture are referred to as culturally rootless and cultural homelessness.

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